Be appalled! Whether implicit or purposeful, the result is, and will continue to be, horrifying. The world changed on October 7th, 2023. Here’s what happened, accompanied by some thoughts on the future.

This past October, Hamas, the Islamic Resistance Movement, which controlled the Gaza Strip, attacked Israel, brutally slaughtering 1200 civilians, most of them Israeli Jews. Israel responded by killing over 30,000 civilians, mainly residents of Gaza. Israel’s retaliation, originally viewed by most of the world as self-defense, has now spiraled to the point that Israel is viewed by other nations as a pariah state, engaged in indiscriminate shelling of innocent people. In turn, the American people, traditionally Israel’s strongest ally, have increasingly condemned Israel’s actions. By doing so, they have shaken up American politics and led Jewish communities world-wide to re-examine their own support for the Jewish state. As days go by, in fact, the Israel-Hamas war has become so caught up in internal politics in the United States and Israel respectively, the difficulty in securing a settlement short of continuing violence has proven near-impossible. Ahead for Gaza is more death and destruction, while Israel faces years of political turmoil, a non-functioning government, and a divided population.

The last time Israel and the United States faced such intense and troubling disagreement was in 1956, during the Suez war. There, too, the call was for Israel to disengage and seek a settlement. Pressure from the U.S., Britain and France, eventually forced Israel to concede. Today, that is far from likely. While the U.S. is engaged in a Presidential election that has domestic political ramifications emerging from the war in Gaza, Israel and Hamas cannot agree on a ceasefire that would include proposals setting-out a path to peace. Furthermore, Israel’s Prime Minister, Bibi Netanyahu, is likely to lose power (and possibly secure a legal conviction on bribery charges), once the war ends. Gaza’s future, in the absence of a peace agreement, will be continued economic destitution, ongoing political turmoil, and horrendous violence.

In America, if Trump wins the Presidency, what’s good for the latter will become the key determinant of policy. A Biden win presents the only likelihood for international agreement towards support for the creation of a two state solution: Israel and an entity that secures Palestinian dignity, economic security and political and national rights. Unfortunately, these alternatives may be moot as it is a long way to the American election, and Israeli leaders are more divided than united on holding new elections unless forced to do so by the people of Israel, a possibility that seems currently remote.

If there is a way out of this dangerous crisis, only the U.S and willing allies are likely able to find a path for success. It is time for the United States to call a conference of select nations that could responsibly assist in securing an acceptable political solution for already involved parties and, especially, Israel and the Palestinians. Otherwise, continued war is likely. Making it even more difficult to secure sufficient American support to achieve an equitable peace settlement is Donald Trump’s war on American Jews who do not support him.

Asserting that Jews who “vote for the Democrats” in the upcoming elections are “anti-Israel, anti-Semitic, and anti-American,” Trump has partially moved the question of Israel’s future to a battle among American Jews, a path that will only complicate and delay securing an end to the violence already entangling Israel and the Arab world. If, in fact, the most important value in Judaism is the “preservation of life,” Jews must act positively to assist in ending the famine and violence in Gaza. Doing nothing while children die because Israel is not providing sufficient resources, is unacceptable. Strong public pressure on the Netanyahu government from Jewish communities worldwide to reduce the famine and civilian casualties in Gaza is a moral necessity. Yes, Hamas is the primary culprit, but Israel must not be an accessory to indiscriminate slaughter and rampant hunger. Despite what Trump and his murderous acolytes believe, being Jewish demands religious and personal accountability as well as justice.

For the international community, the United Nations and/or another appropriate body, must gather and lead a group of nations prepared to enter Gaza on their own in order to protect civilians and secure a cease-fire. Events and hubris are leading to political and personal disaster. Neither the U.S. nor the world can afford the calamity that another round of Donald Trump as American President would bring. Chaos in Gaza is adding to the likelihood of this happening. We must demand of our leaders that they speak loudly and truthfully about where we are headed. American fascism is an alternative that will only bring about more injustice, death and destruction. The Devil cannot become the victor.

2 thoughts on “Trump and Bibi: A Devil’s Partnership

  1. I miss talking with you in person. You are brilliant, honest and prophetic.

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